I would gaze long at the path you took But they are watching my eyes. I hear they’re going to put a watch Soon over my beating heart.

My mind, like one roaming in the desolation Of forests, mountains and appalling wastes, Suffered an agony I cannot describe.

My beloved may be with his friends In shalamar, showering his radiance On lawns and waterfalls

Like a cedar in the forest, enjoying The river bank’s pubescent green. Cut it not down, O stern woodman !

In bondage, they served you ample food. Now gather in the fields what grain you can, And see how sweet is food in freedom!

When you entered the garden – O what coy grace! – What did the flowers whisper to you? You’ve robbed the bulbuls of their speech.

City dames canโ€Ÿt equal you. While they shut themselves up In their apartments, you alone Are friendly with the flowers.

Like Nagrai, he fled over the Green banks. Like Himaal I go in his hot pursuit Along every hill-stream

O shapely, beautiful country Lass! You are like a Bouquet, a fairy on Caucasus Mountain or Himaal in heaven

Kashmirisโ€Ÿ fame will again Spread in the world if you Create luminaries like Tazi Bhat, Lalitaditya and Mubarak Khan.