Taste the Apples of Kashmir

Taste the Apples of Kashmir

KASHMIR is a land of fruits and flowers. Perhaps no other country grows a greater variety or has better facilities for horticulture. The apple pear, mulberry, walnut, hazel, cherry, peach, apricot, :raspberry, goosebcrry ,currant, plum and strawberry are found in abundance in most parts of
Valley.The most popular apple is the Anbru or Ambri, which has a large round red and white sweet fruit, ripening in October and keeping its condition for a long time. This is exported in large quantities, and it finds favour with the people of the country for its sweetness and handsome appearance. The Mohi Ambri is like the Ambr, but is more acid and redder. It is largely exported. The Khddu Sari apple is said to have been introduced from Kabul.It is long in shape, and is juicy and rather, acid, ripening early and not keeping. But the best apple, so far as flavour goes, 1s the littleย  Trel, which abounds in the neighborhood of Sopur. There are three common kinds :
1.The Nabadi Trel, which is rather yellow,

2. The Jambasi Trel, which turns red, and

3. The Sill Trel, which is rather larger than the Nanbadi and Jambasi and of a deep red colour. When ripe these little apples have the most delicious taste, half sour, half sweet. From this variety, when picked at the right time excellent cider has been made. A superior variety of the Trel is the Khatoni Tel which is larger but possesses all the flavour of the smaller ki11d. There are many other kinds, but the Kashmiri would give the palm to the Dud Ambri which is sweetest and finest of the Ambri. Many of the wild apples, such as Tel Shakr and Malmu are very refreshing.

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